SMIC joins the global list of sustainability champions

SMIC joins the global list of sustainability champions

Sy family-led conglomerate SM Investments Corp. (SMIC) has joined the global group of sustainability champions on the 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders platform, the only Filipino company to make the elite roster.

The 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders platform is a demonstration of business leaders’ desire, leadership, and commitment to take effective action in the fight against climate change. Led by the TBD Media Group, this is a multimedia campaign that seeks to showcase effective leadership in the following areas: energy transition; climate finance and carbon pricing; industry transition; nature-based solutions; cities and local action; and resilience. “We recognize our role and responsibilities in creating a more sustainable future. Our footprint today allows us to view our businesses through a larger lens of economic, social, and environmental impact,” SMIC president and chief executive officer Frederic DyBuncio said in a statement on Friday.

SMIC has laid out specific targets to focus its strategic investments and initiatives in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

For the conglomerate, the path to sustainable growth is focused on the following: providing inclusive economic opportunities through multiple partnerships across various segments of the economy; creating positive social impact through its various programs on education, health and food security; practicing environmental responsibility through water recycling, waste management and efficient use of energy among others; and, embracing good corporate governance with the objective of building a network of vibrant local economies.

Across SMIC’s businesses, the group also focuses its environmental efforts on disaster risk reduction and resilience and climate change adaptation.

—Doris Dumlao-Abadilla INQ

Source: Inquirer

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